Intellectual Property Disputes Solution

Court Cases

When conducting business on international e-commerce platforms, sellers may face the risk of receiving notifications from the sales platform and/or payment gateway that their accounts will be suspended, causing significant damage to their operations. This may indicate that the seller has become the respondent in a case under the jurisdiction of a country where they operate.
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Warning Letters

In the course of doing business on the international e-commerce platform, sellers may receive documents such as “Warning Letter”, “Demand Letter”, “DMCA Report”, “Cease & Desist Letter Documents”. This is collectively referred to as the "Warning Letter", which is a document from the Intellectual Property Owner requesting the suspected infringer to stop the infringement before the Intellectual Property Owner takes measures. tougher legislation.
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The protection of intellectual property rights is an important factor in doing business on e-commerce platforms in the United States. Intellectual property rights include rights related to patents, trademarks, copyrights and industrial designs, etc., which help protect your products and services from unauthorized copying and unfair competition. .
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HaNoi office:
Prime Center, No 53 Quang Trung Street, Nguyen Du Ward, Hai Ba Trung District, Ha Noi, Viet Nam
United States Office:
1007 N Orange St. 4th Floor Ste 1382, Wilmington, DE 19801, United States
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